Dentistry can be a source of fear or anxiety for many reasons. A bad past experience, fear of needles or perhaps apprehension about a lengthy surgical procedure are just some of the common reasons. Dental sedation (also known as twilight sedation or sleep dentistry) is a safe and effective method to relieve anxiety and fear, allowing you to comfortably undergo dental procedures. It is also a wonderful option for patients with a severe gag reflex and allows treatment to be carried out without discomfort or worry.
It involves giving intravenous sedative medications incrementally, to a point where you are ready to undergo the procedure. Anesthesia ranges from being completely awake to unconscious (General Anesthetic). Conscious sedation sits at the closer end to general anesthesia. While still maintaining your consciousness, protective reflexes and normal breathing, you will be largely unaware of your surroundings. Local anesthesia is almost always given for the procedure so no pain will be felt during or immediately afterwards.
Furthermore, the majority of patients have no memory of the procedure after recovery. Recovery time varies between patients and the length of the sedation, but it is typically 20 – 30 minutes before you can be discharged. Our IV Sedation is provided by Dr. Heah (Western Australian Dental Sedations), who is a highly skilled AHPRA Board Endorsed IV Sedation provider working throughout WA. For more information, speak to your dentist at any stage about this comfortable treatment option.